Saturday 26 July 2014

Ex-Israeli soldier speaks out

Ex-Israeli soldier speaks out… what he says will change everything you think you know about Israel!
Shared By HR on July, 2014

Key points from this lecture:

1.There is a heavy indoctrination in Israel, from an early age in schools, which uses the holocaust to create paranoia and fear against ‘the enemy’
2.Israeli soldiers are trained intensively for a war, whilst their actual military duties are to subdue and control Palestinians
3.Israeli soldiers routinely humiliate, intimidate, arrest, beat and kill civilian Palestinians to ‘protect’ illegal Jewish settlers in occupied territories
4.Many Israeli soldiers are aware what they are doing is wrong, but have no way out and feel pressured to continue
5.Palestinians who require medical attention, have to go through military checkpoints – to do this they require permits
They give these permits to lawyers of ‘Doctors without borders’ and then prevent them from going to the West Bank – meaning Palestinians do not receive permits
Israel uses a clever process to cover itself legally to the world

6.During Operation Cast Lead, Israeli soldiers were traumatised and confused the atrocities they saw in Gaza
Israel would bomb civilian areas to clear the way for Israeli ground forces, use tank shells, air-strikes and illegal white phosphorus

7.When wanting to speak out, via the ‘Breaking the Silence Campaign‘ the Haaretz newspaper refused to publish soldier testimonies after pressure by IDF Spokesman
Breaking the Silence campaign itself was censored by the IDF Spokesman
All media in Israel has to go through the IDF censorship

8.The Israeli government and military make a lot of money by selling its weapons to other repressive regimes around the world,
9.Israel tries and tests its weapons on Palestinians – ‘this is not (just) an occupation’ this is a laboratory for Israeli military weapons

10.Israel uses undercover units in the occupied territories to start riots, and then justify the use of weapons against Palestinian protesters

11.All police departments in the US are trained by the Israeli military and are taught the same brutal tactics used against Palestinians
12.US police departments have already used such tactics in suppressing protests in the US, such as the Occupy movement
Hit Israel where it hurts the most, boycott Israel
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Do some good for humanity and keep your heart alive let the truth be heard and keep these innocent Children in your prayers.

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