Thursday 19 December 2013

Beautiful Advice about Life

  • Beautiful Advice about Life

  • 1. A young lady waswaiting for her flight inthe boarding room of abig airport.
  • 2. As shewould needto wait manyhours, shedecided tobuy a bookto spend hertime. Shealso boughta packet ofcookies.
  • 3. She sat down inan armchair, inthe VIP room ofthe airport, to restand read inpeace.
  • 4. Beside thearmchair wherethe packet ofcookies lay, aman sat down inthe next seat,opened hismagazine andstarted reading.
  • 5. When she took out the first cookie, the man took one also. She felt irritated but said nothing. She just thought:“What a nerve! If I was in the mood I wouldpunch him for daring!”
  • 6. For each cookieshe took, theman took onetoo.This wasinfuriating herbut she didn’twant to cause ascene.
  • 7. When only onecookie remained,she thought:“ah... What thisabusive man donow?”Then, the man,taking the lastcookie, divided itinto half, givingher one half.
  • 8. Ah! That was too much! She was much too angry now!In a huff, she took her book, her things and stormed to the boarding place.
9. When she sat downin her seat, insidethe plane, shelooked into herpurse to take hereyeglasses, and, toher surprise, herpacket of cookieswas there,untouched,unopened!
  • 10. She felt so ashamed!!She realizedthat she was wrong... She had forgotten that her cookieswere kept in her purse.
  • 11. The man haddivided his cookieswith her, withoutfeeling angered orbitter
  • 12. ...while she had been very angry, thinking that she was dividing hercookies with him. And now therewas no chance to explain herself...nor to apologize.”
  • 13. There are 4 things that you cannot recover.
  • 14. The stone... ...after the throw!
  • 15. The word... palavra... ...after it’s said!
  • 16. The occasion... ... after the loss!
  • 17. The time... ...after it’s gone!

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